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4 Reasons to Do Woodworking With Your Kids

Rohan Rohan Kumar566 08-Jun-2019

Many parents assume that woodworking is best suited for adults, and too dangerous for kids to take part in. However, there are lots of woodworking projects perfect for children. And, along the way, your child will learn valuable life skills and end up with a beautiful finished product.

Build Problem Solving Skills
Depending on which type of kids woodworking project your child does, they will run into a certain number of challenges and problems. Whether small or large, numerous or infrequent, they’ll need to overcome these challenges for the project to get finished.

In the end, learning how to manage these problems is a huge learning opportunity for the child. And, when successfully managed, it provides the kid with a huge sense of accomplishment.

As a parent, try to balance your desire to help your kid solve the problem with the opportunity of letting them solve it on their own. You don’t want them to objectively fail, but letting them learn how to solve challenges on their own is a valuable life skill you can teach them.

Woodworking projects almost always come with their fair share of challenges, and the end result provides a tangible example of problems overcome.

Learn How to Start and Finish a Project
It doesn’t take long to see that kids typically have a short attention span. Their minds are developing so fast, and when you combine that with the exuberant energy that they seem to always have, it can be tough for a child to focus on anything for very long.

However, slowly teaching your children what it is like to not just start a project, but to finish it, is a great skill. As an adult, we are usually measured by what we accomplish, not by what we start.

Woodworking projects are a great and fun way for a child to learn how to both start and complete something. Because working with wood is tangible, and the finished product is easy to visualize, it makes for the perfect opportunity to easily teach children about this skill set.

Develop Hand Eye Coordination
Hand eye coordination is a valuable skillset for children on a variety of levels. Improving this skill in children helps them with their reading, writing, and decoding. Better hand eye coordination can even help them problem solve throughout their day better.

Many kids naturally have well-developed skills in this category, while others need help pushing it along. Either way, both sports and woodworking represent great ways to continually grow and mature these areas of emphasis.

In particular, woodworking is great for children who don’t have a natural bend to sports. Working with wood is slower and more meticulous, and doesn’t have the competitive nature that many sporting events have.

Satisfaction of Job Complete
Lets be honest – this is probably the best part of a home project for all of us. Seeing a project come together to completion, and getting to revel in the finished product – these are proud moments. And, kids are no exception to this feeling.

So often, the tasks and projects that kids do don’t finish with an end product that can be held and utilized. While much of life is like that, building something out of wood gives your child an end product they can utilize and be proud of.

You can also use this end result to remind your child to endure in situations in the future. It is a tangible piece that any kid can use to constantly reinforce that hard work and dedication can lead to something they can be proud of.

Woodworking projects are great for kids of all ages, and help to develop in them the necessary skills to be successful adults. And, along the way, your kid will get to build something that they can hold with their hands and play with for years to come.

Updated 08-Jun-2019

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